I finally decided to leave the couch and bake brownies for the Human Rights Law Society's bake sale next week (GW Law students: come buy something. You're cold and heartless if you don't.) when a shrill ringing filled the air - yes, someone pulled my apartment's fire alarm, on Halloween night. How original! How mature!
I sat there for about five minutes and contemplated the merits and drawbacks of ignoring the alarm until I realized my mother would KILL me if I died in a fire. I headed outside - faced with imminent death and loss of all earthly possessions, what did I bring? Keys. Phone. Criminal law casebook.
At least I have my priorities straight.
In my sloth-ness, I haven't showered yet today, and I'm wearing yoga pants and a ratty t-shirt. Greasiness and glasses abound. May I remind you it's Halloween? and everyone who actually has a life is out tonight? Do you know how utterly awesome I felt, standing outside in the rain, surrounded by smartly-dressed college students, clutching my casebook for dear life and trying to blend in with the shrubbery? GO ME!
Upside: Hot firefighters.
Upside #2: In full gear.
Upside #3: Seeing the 6'2" burly guy from downstairs dressed as a bar wench.
False alarm declared, excitement died down, now it's back to the
The Illustrious Vee, signing off.