Saturday, October 31, 2009

No Sir, this IS my costume

I should prequel this by saying I've been a sloth all day.  I've barely moved from the couch, working on my laptop and fighting extreme frustration with my subjectively-graded useless crap Memo 2 assignment, due next Sunday.  I haven't started the research, let alone the writing, and I fully expect to barely pass the class.  But I digress.

I finally decided to leave the couch and bake brownies for the Human Rights Law Society's bake sale next week (GW Law students: come buy something.  You're cold and heartless if you don't.) when a shrill ringing filled the air - yes, someone pulled my apartment's fire alarm, on Halloween night.  How original! How mature!

I sat there for about five minutes and contemplated the merits and drawbacks of ignoring the alarm until I realized my mother would KILL me if I died in a fire.  I headed outside - faced with imminent death and loss of all earthly possessions, what did I bring? Keys.  Phone.  Criminal law casebook.

At least I have my priorities straight.

In my sloth-ness, I haven't showered yet today, and I'm wearing yoga pants and a ratty t-shirt.  Greasiness and glasses abound.  May I remind you it's Halloween? and everyone who actually has a life is out tonight? Do you know how utterly awesome I felt, standing outside in the rain, surrounded by smartly-dressed college students, clutching my casebook for dear life and trying to blend in with the shrubbery?  GO ME!

Upside: Hot firefighters.
Upside #2: In full gear.
Upside #3: Seeing the 6'2" burly guy from downstairs dressed as a bar wench.

False alarm declared, excitement died down, now it's back to the absolute waste of time Memo.

The Illustrious Vee, signing off.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Fail by the numbers

Number of dwellings I've lived in without dishwashers: 3
Number of months spent living in said dwellings: 11
Number of times washing dishes by hand, conservatively assuming 3x/week: 132
Number of times I've sprayed water all over myself by rinsing off spoons with the bowl side up under running water: 132

That's all from Vee tonight.  Time for sleeeeeep.

GW does Ibiza

Is there really anything wrong with spending the entire day in your bathrobe, trying desperately to become one with the couch and ignoring imminent memo deadlines?